March 25, 2005

Pope Watch: Insane Synergy Edition

Despite the fact that, if left alone, her body would die, Church officials are all but pointing fingers and screaming bloody murder, claiming that a natural death for Teri Schiavo would be euthanasia.

And then today the Vatican issued another press release, this time
stating that The Pope is "serenely giving himself to the Will of God." Yes, in the face of illness, the Pope is apparently eschewing extraordinary means of extending his life.
I'm sorry Kids, but don't talk the talk if you're not going to walk the walk (OK, in the Pope's case I suppose I have to modify to 'If you're not going to be wheeled around incoherently and propped up at the window on occasion').
Far be it from me to comment (who am I kidding?), because I honestly would not wish that anyone be kept alive with no quality of life. But if the Vatican is going to release statements like that about Teri, then I firmly believe they had better strap a fucking Die Hard on JP and keep him breathing until his lungs disintegrate.
Because it's all about preserving life, right? Or does God's will only apply to The Pope?


Blogger Melina said...


2:36 PM  
Blogger A* said...

I will drink to that!

11:03 PM  

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